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Picture ID: 305

Linked to event: 479, Jasta 11 and Jasta 12 joint mission

Source ID: 35

Caption in Source: 

This photograph was taken on 15 April 1917 at Epinoy airfield when Jasta 11 and Jasta 12 joined together for a mission. Left to right: Leutnant Schock, Leutnant Bevar, Hauptmann Paul von Osterroht, Vizefeldwebel Grigo and MvR. Richthofen is seen wearing his well-worn leather flying jacket and his fur-lined flying helmet. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)


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